Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Daughter Change my Life

My life changed since I had my daughter. For many women getting pregnant is normal, but not for me. When my husband and I get married. We wished to have a baby. After a little fertility treatment, I still couldn't get pregnant. That was the first step of many treatments. After ten years of treatments, the Dr. said me "you are pregnant". That moment my life changed. First, my pregnancy was difficult. I had almost nine months in complete repose. After my little girl was born, we arrived at home, and everything great. But the first night we slept only two hours. The next night my little girl slept all night. When I saw her completly from top to bottom. I couldn't believe somebody so very tiny attract a lot of attention. Everyday at home people came and people left. I remember the first time. She needed to take a bath, I called my mom, sisters, mom-in-law, everybody. My husband said to me "relax, I can hepl you". He helped me to do. Fornunately life to continue and my girl grew up. She learned to walk and my life has gotten easly. The first day, she went to preschool was exciting. We got up ealy. I dressed her uniform, and she looked so pretty. When we arrived to school, I was so nervous. I almost stared to cry. It was the first time in our life that we separeted from each other. Now it's normal for us. My daughter is the best gift in my life, and has changed my life.

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