Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An event changed my life

When I was first grade, I learned an important lesson about school and responsibility and more, this event fixed my bad habit. When I was little kid, I just liked to play with friends. I didn’t know how much school and homework were important. For me, school was just a new playground, and I was really excited to make new friends because my neighborhood didn’t have many children. Usually, the first grade teacher wrote homework on the board after all the classes were finished and the teacher made students write down homework in their notebook. I was not always writing my assignments, but I often didn’t write it down. I did it again and again, so I often couldn’t do homework frequency. One day, my teacher called my mother to come to school. I was scared and I just stayed at my room. But my mother didn’t tell me anything after she came back, so I went bed without worrying. However, it was not finished because after I went to bed, she told my father about my problem. After he listened, he was really angry and he woke me up and scolded me. When he woke me up, I was half sleeping and half awake so I didn’t know what was going on and I couldn’t understand why he was so angry with me. Until then, my father had never scolded or yelled at me. Finally, I was kicked out only wearing my underwear, and it was a cold winter night. I stood one hour in the hallway of my apartment. My apartment’s hallway was as cold as outside. Since then, I had never missed homework and my father checked it every day, so my bad habit was fixed. And I quickly realized that school and assignments are more important than other things, so I did well. Now my father and I have good relationship, but after that happened I was hard to be close with him.

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