Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An Event that Changed my Life

An Event that Changed my Life

My last Christmas in Mexico was unforgettable. After so many years it was the first time that all of my family was together since my grandparents died. I arrived in Mexico on December 15th, 2007, ten days before Christmas. When my family and I arrived at my aunt’s house, my whole family was waiting for our arrival. For Christmas as is the tradition in my family, we spent Christmas Eve at my aunt’s house. We prayed to the baby Jesus, broke the piƱata, ate tamales for dinner, and when midnight arrived everybody gave hugs. We also exchanged gifts, and danced until dawn. For New Years, my mother cooked turkey and all the family and friends came to my house to wait the New Year together. It was so funny when midnight strikes, as in my family tradition we went outside to throw fireworks, after that we shared hugs and kisses with each other. I will never forget this special time in my life. These memories will always be in my mind because this special event has been never changed in my life.

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