Tuesday, April 22, 2008


If you moved from a small town to a big city you are definitely going to become aware what the differences between these too life styles are. And regardless the situation, I think everybody can have a happy life no matter the place. Within these too comparisons are for example, the transportation, the pollution, and, the diversity of people.

One difference between the small and the big city is the transportation. For those that live in a small city and did not have a vehicle, it could be hard because they don’t usually use public transportation and the distances are shorter. Despite that people in a big city use cars; then is here where it will always be traffic no matter the time.

Another difference between these two lifestyles of live is the pollution. In a small city, it is more likely to breathe fresh air in which will be less possibilities to get any illness. Moreover, when you woke up in the big city early in the morning, all you are breathing is dirty air that is only polluting your longs.

Finally, the most important difference in this comparison is the exceptional diversity that both cities definitely have even though in a small or in a large portion. It is not very common to see out in the streets of a small city that much diversity because the size of the city and not even the people are not used to have residents from outside. Therefore, the diversity in a big city has lot of advantages since it gives you the opportunity to learn more about people and many dialects that can led us many perspectives about life.

Now we conclude this contrast between the small and the big city. But as it’s mentioned, in order to live comfortable besides the transportation, pollution or the diversity in a place, the most important role to contrast all these roles is been aware how to live happiest forever either at one or the other one.


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